TargetBoard |
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TargetBoard models a "target board" intensity sensor: the intensity of an incident wavefront is measured at a specified mesh of sample points, corresponding to individual point-detector locations. If multiple wavefronts are received simultaneously they are assumed to be mutually incoherent, so their intensities add. The net intensity is then integrated over the exposure length to produce an "integratedIntensity" output in units of J/m^2. See the LightLike User Guide for a detailed discussion of the triggering of sensor exposures. Note in particular that the input "sampleInterval" is only used to generate multiple samples within one "exposureLength". To obtain one sample per "exposureLength" (the typical practice), set "sampleInterval" to 0.0. Like all LightLike optical sensors, TargetBoard works with both pulsed and continuous wave illumination. It has a single Light input, representing the incident light.